Happy Holidays my friends! I know most of you are trying to get the last few holiday preparations done but I wanted to stop in here for a minute and share a FREEBIE that can be a real help to you this holiday season. It is the perfect freebie for Christmas, New Years and any time you are celebrating this holiday season!
We all have LOTS of parties to go to and people to visit and the last thing we want to do is show up empty handed, so I am here to share some 'eye candy' with you. Being prepared is the key over the holiday season so this new freebie with help you and your holiday gift giving. Here it is: a festive bottle wrap!
This wrap is the perfect way to 'jazz up' a boring bottle of wine as you simply print, cut and adhere = done! It IS that simple. If you are the type that doesn't like to take alcohol to parties as a gift, then perhaps you'd like the idea of simply using this as a festive art print that you can frame and give as a gift - either way, feel free to use in the next few weeks!
The best way to spread holiday cheer is attaching it to a bottle for all to enjoy, am I right?! lol This holiday bottle wrap says 'A Little Holiday Cheer' and was hand lettered and illustrated specifically for this freebie. The design features some ivy and holly leaves to give it that hand drawn festive look to go along with the lettering. As you can see when you print out this FREE holiday wine bottle wrap, it was designed to cover the front, both sides and the back of a bottle.
Simply use a paper cutter or scissors to cut out and grab some adhesive to attach to your bottle. If you end up having a larger width bottle, you can
just print out two labels to wrap around and anything smaller, just snip
it off and you will be ready to go. I also designed it with a few
stripes on the top and bottom so if you are gifting a taller bottle, you
can easily cover all of the label. Again, if it’s a shorter bottle,
simply cut it on the black design edge, cutting the stripes off or print
it out at a smaller percentage and you will be fine.
I hope you LOVE this freebie as much as I do and take advantage of this one for the holidays! Spread a little holiday cheer this year! ;) Feel free to download your own 'Holiday Wine Bottle Wrap'
and add some 'eye candy' to those boring bottles! I would
love to hear if you are using it, so please
feel free to let me know below.
**FREE printables are for personal use ONLY and may not be sold or claimed to be your design. By printing any freebies, you are agreeing to these terms.
What do you like to bring to someone's house as a hostess gift? Let me know below . . .
Are you loving the "eye candy" here?
Then join me over on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter & Instagram so you never miss out on an exclusive deal or any behind the scenes photos!
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This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its
advertiser, MARS Incorporated. All opinions are mine alone.
#BakeInTheFun #CollectiveBias
Happy Holidays my friends!
I love this time of year as I look forward to making memories, spending time with family and friends and of course baking! I get to have fun baking up a storm with my daughter and making all of my family's favorites. It's funny how most of us will reserve certain treats to ONLY bake during the holidays . . .why do we do that? Have YOU ever thought about that? My daughter asked me that one time and I had never really even thought about it that way but it gave me a chance to explain traditions and reserving certain activities we look forward to every year just for this special time of year that we celebrate as a family. WHY? . . . I guess maybe so we don't get burnt out on them and we can look forward to making and enjoying them just during the holiday season. Who knows, regardless, I am GLAD it's major baking season as I have a delicious one to share with you today! This recipe is always a hit because it involves chocolate and M&M’S®, so when I was at Walmart recently, I grabbed a few things to whip up some of these whoopie pies for you. I also found the cutest holiday packaging and containers for my peppermint whoopie pies and decided to make these for my family holiday party this weekend as I am all about cute packaging and I do believe that presentation is key as well! ;)
I really love this tin I found while I was there too as it reminds me of how this time of year is definitely magical because everyone seems to be a bit nicer to each other, people find ways to spread holiday cheer and help others and I wish it would lastALL through the year but until then, the holiday season will have to work. ;) Looking for easy amazing opportunities to give backcan be easy if you know about simple things we can do to better someone else during the holidays.
Well you are in luck as I know of a couple ways you can give back: have you ever heard of The Great American Milk Drive? Well when you shop at Walmart over the holidays and buy M&M’s® (now through 12/25), fresh nutrient-rich milk will be donated to those kids and families who may be going without milk this season. Something as easy as this is also a perfect way to explain to our children WHY it's so important to take care of others during these times as well. Please check out:www.MyConfectionCorner.com for more information and let's do our part to help others this season . . . together! I mean it can NOT get much easier than that and it will make you feel good too! Let's be the example for our kids so they can see how easy it is to help someone else.
To make it even easier, I am sharing this offer with you as well:
So let's get to making those delicious treats: Peppermint Brownie Mini Whoopie Pies
1. Prepare your favorite brownie mix according to the directions.
2. You will be using a mini muffin pan to bake your mini whoopie piesso you will fill the pan half way with your batter and bake according to the brownie mix BUT you will be reducing the bake time to about 15-16 minutes, depending on your oven.
3. Allow your mini brownie whoopie pies to cool completely. Prepare filling while they cool. FILLING recipe: - mix 1/2 cup of softened butter, 2 cups of powdered sugar, 1 tsp. of vanilla and 3 tbl. of Great Value® 2% Milk until it looks like filling.
4. Once the brownie whoopie pies are cool, you will want to cut the muffin tops off and set aside.
5. Once the muffin tops are cut off, take two 'bottoms' since they are nice and flat and spread some filling between the two. I put the sides out that were baked on the bottom and the side that has a cut, goes in the middle. That way it ensures they are durable. ;) 6. Roll the mini whoopie pies in the crushed M&M’S®Brand White PeppermintCandies and allow to set.
You may have wondered what I did with the muffin tops to the peppermint brownie whoopie pies right? Well I spread some of the filling on top of them and then sprinkled some of the crushed M&M’S®Brand White PeppermintCandies on top and packaged them up into one of those amazing adorable baking tins I found at Walmart. I love the colors of these and how they all coordinate together for the perfect presentation. I would say it's definite 'eye candy'! ;)
I mentioned above, I just grabbed everything I needed when I was at
Walmart recently as it was easy to find! They have lots of amazing choices for packaging any baked goods you are giving this year as gifts. While there, don't forget to buy a bag ofM&M’S®as well to help support The Great American Milk Drive. I love that they joined forces with Feeding
America, America’s dairy farmers and milk companies to turn the online donations they receive this season into gallons of milk for families in our local communities. Plus thisseason, The Great American Milk Drive will get to deliver its 1 MILLIONTH
gallon to Feeding America and its nationwide food bank network!! That IS amazing!!
But we can do more. I hope you will visit www.milklife.com/giveand join me in helpingThe Great American Milk Drive
deliver even MOREfresh milk, including its high-quality protein, to children and
families in need because we CAN make a difference this season.
What special treat do you like to bake with your kids for the holidays? Do YOU ever use M&M’S® in your recipes? I would love to hear so let me know below please . . .
you so much for letting me share this product with you and for
supporting the brands and companies that help support my blog!
Are you loving the "eye candy" here?
Then join me over on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter & Instagram so you never miss out on an exclusive deal or any behind the scenes photos!
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