I am so excited to bring you my latest design idea! I want to challenge myself to "ink" an art print every day for 30 days to discover all of the different ways I can have fun with some hand lettering designs! I have always wanted to try some kind of challenge and I thought this would be a great place to start! But the best part is . . .YOU get to help! Yup that's right and possibly earn a FREE art print by doing so. Sounds interesting right about now huh? ;)
How this challenge works is every day for 30 days, starting March 1, I will share my daily creative "ink" that I have hand lettered for the day! I will be posting them via Instagram so make sure you are following me there to get in on the action! During the challenge I will be trying out different styles, hand lettering on different mediums, using different media . . . all kinds of ideas are floating around in my head and I can not wait to try some of them and share with you how they turn out. I think it's important when you have a talent, such as this, to keep practicing as much as you can so you are always putting your 'best' work out there. So that is simply why I want to do this, plus I think it will be fun since you all get the chance to be involved.
How can you be involved? Well, when I post every day on Instagram, simply put a suggested phrase, word, song lyric, quote . . . anything you want, as a "fan suggestion" of something you would like to see me "ink" and if I use your suggestion, I will send you the piece that I "ink" via email for FREE! If you would prefer to send me an email with your "fan suggestion" please do so, at laura@eyecandycs.com. I will be using the hashtag #30daysECcreativeINK in case you want to find them all quickly. ;)
When offering up a suggestion, please include the idea and what color you would like to see the art print done in. I promise I will be picking winners at least weekly (maybe more) during this 30 days, so you have a greater chance of getting selected and I like to have multiple winners, so make sure to play along. Feel free to also leave a comment here on the blog with your suggestion too! I look forward to hearing your suggestions and giving you all some new creative "ink"!
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Looking forward to seeing you again! :)