Hello there!
I have been so busy these last couple weeks that I feel like I haven't had much time to blog and talk with all of you. However I wanted to pop in and share a couple peeks at to what I am currently doing as far as custom work and to let you know that you may be seeing some new items hitting the shop soon. ;)
Some of my favorites lately . . .
a hand lettered design from a very catchy song . . . . ;)
I am pretty sure I have to make this into a print ;)
. . . this hand lettered print will be in the shop soon.
Great for anyone getting married soon or a bridal shower, can be adjusted to say "soon to be, mrs." instead. Imagine this on a banner, art print or sign.
Speaking of getting married and brides . . . I can't wait to show you how this gold hand lettered burlap decor item ends up. ;)
ohhhhhh and this, a watercolor design is for a very special bridal shower.
and one more peek . . . . this hand lettered piece will be in the shop soon as an art print!
Remember, if you EVER have any special custom design hand lettering
idea requests, PLEASE feel free to email me anytime & I can design
one for YOU! laura@eyecandycs.com
Have a great week!
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Then join me over on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter & Instagram so you never miss out on an exclusive deal or any behind the scenes photos!
Check out my designs, artwork & decor in my Etsy shop!
Looking forward to seeing you again! :)