YAY! So stoked to FINALLY be sharing the "Peace, Love & FUN-do" party with all of you!! I FINALLY have gotten all of the pics edited from my daughter's 9th birthday party a couple weeks ago! Man do those pics sure take awhile when you shoot, edit & color correct all yourself! whew!
I am going to be posting this party in TWO different posts as I have a lot to share! Hope you enjoy the groovy vibes from this retro yet modern take on my daughter's "Peace" party!
So just in case you are wondering WHERE the theme came from, here's the story. My daughter LOVES peace signs - period. Of course, I wanted to make sure it was different from other 'peace' parties + tried to think of an idea that we hadn't done before so I told her, 'ya know what would be cool?, we should have a fondue bar & then the theme could be "peace, love & fondue". Well she looked at me & said 'what the heck is fun-do?' I laughed. Alot. Explained the whole thing but decided to keep the name as it serves TWO purposes.
One. We DID have a fondue bar.
Two. The kids had lots to FUN-do at the party.
When planning for this party, I tried to be 'savvy' with my budget as I didn't have a large amount to spend so I used A LOT of items I already had & what I did buy, I got a crazy deal on. Decor was fun as I used this opportunity to 'craft' quite a few of the things that I used.
One of my FAVORITE DIY's for this party was the long, long, long purple ribbon chandeliers {middle pic below} that I created for this party. They were SOOO easy to make & added so much to the 'vibe' of the party!
(unfortunately it was hard to 'capture' how cool they were - at least with me taking all the photos- lol)
Some of the other DIY projects I did . . .
~ peace flower wreath for the dessert backdrop
~ ruffled dessert table tablecloth
~ groovy "lamps" on dessert table

I always try to do as much of the dessert table myself - I just LOVE baking/ desserts, so it's something I really don't mind at all. This year when I asked my daughter what kind of cake she wanted, she said a cookie cake!!
Hmmmm . . well okay then, a cookie "cake" is what your momma will make!
Oh yes I did! I made a 'cake' out of cookies instead of a typical cake. It was pretty simple & my daughter LOVED the cake because chocolate chip cookies are her FAV so this worked out perfect. I was just hoping it would work out since I had never done something like this but it did. Whew!
Linda from Frog Prince Cake & Cookie Design sculpted the fondant cake topper of my daughter! I think she nailed it! The blonde hair, the peace sign shirt, the skirt, the chucks, eye color . . . not to mention the headband & bracelet that looks like something from the Skylar Raine shop! My heart melted when I first saw it - it made me soo soo HAPPY! She is a fondant sculpting GENIUS! She totally rocked this cake topper & the look on my daughter's face when she walked into the party was PRICELESS!
She was so excited about it!
Of course, the MAIN focal point of a "FUN-do" party is to have a FONDUE bar!
And that we did! Of course we had to teach the kids how to "DO" the 'fondue' but they had a lot of fun with it!
I also made the BEST caramel chocolate
fondue recipe that I will share with you next week! It was DELISH! Plus
we had LOTS of goodies to dip into it - per a certain 9 year olds
One fun DIY project I did with this
fondue bar is I dyed the skewers for dipping to match the party colors.
(I also did the tiny clothespins I used to hang the banner) You can find
the DIY tip here from Tablespoon, on their blog.
We used sundae waffle bowls to hold the fondue & make it 'portable' & had everything from donut holes, potato chips, strawberries, vanilla wafers, angel food cake, Twinkies, marshmallows, graham cracker stix & pretzel stix for dipping. Ya know, just the typical kid-friendly foods! PLUS the bonus factor: the kids LOVED the fact that they could EAT their dipping bowl!
Also on the dessert table were a 'few' other items . . . all chosen & keeping the retro theme in mind: Twinkies, orange Jell-O, oatmeal pies, mini cupcakes, cookies, cakepops & more!
And YES - I HAD to make peace signs on the store-bought oatmeal pies!
As well as make chocolate peace signs to put on top of the cupcakes!
I just HAD to 'dress' them up! ;)
I love making backdrops for my dessert tables & really wanted to make this one very authentic & get a retro feel but keep it modern. I decided on a little glitter, some ric rac, LOTS of flowers & what else says this time era than a DAISY WREATH!
This was a fun DIY & was pretty easy to make. I love the way it came out!
And YES these ARE the mini clothes pins I dyed to match the decor when I did the fondue skewers! LOL
And here's the party girl with one of her best friends, Abby enjoying some of the photo props!
(and yes I know Skylar is spelled wrong - kids! Whatcha gonna do - they're still so cute!)
The rest of the party I will share with you in PART 2 & will include the candy bar, favor bar, photo booth & the FUN the people DO - (lol)! Hope you will be back for some more "eye candy".
If you wish to check out this collection it is NOW available in my Etsy shop -
Thanks for being a fan!
PART 2 of this party is posted - check it out here!
Are you loving the "eye candy" here?
Check out my designs, artwork & decor in my Etsy shop!