
Monday, August 25, 2014

FREEBIE :: Daily Homework Planner

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Hi friends!  It’s Wendy here from Scrappy Bags today.  This post is completely different from any other posts that I have shared.  Since the first day of school is on the horizon (and some of you may have already started), I thought this would be the perfect time to share with you a homework planner that has come in quite handy at our house.

assignments, school work, homework, planner for assignments, school

The middle school years have been quite an adjustment for our son.  He is now going in to 8th grade, but 6th and 7th grades were difficult.  He has been diagnosed with ADD and it adds a whole new level to navigating the world of homework.  A lot of nights started out with him not knowing what was expected of him, or he didn’t bring the right items home to complete his work.   Needless to say, this was very stressful for both him and us.  Imagine trying to figure out what the homework assignments are when you’re not at school with him and he forgets to write down his assignment.  Not fun!

homework assignments, school days, planner for homework, free download

With the help of his wonderful teachers, we put together a homework planner that he completes at the end of each school day before he comes home.  The planner helps him make sure that he has his assignments written down and brings home the items that he needs to complete his assignment.  This has helped tremendously!  It’s not 100% foolproof, but it has helped relieve a lot of the stress at homework time in our house.

assigments, school days, planner for homework, teacher assignments

I am sharing this planner for download here.  Have your kiddos give it a try if they’re struggling with organization skills at school.  It’s a great tool, even if you don’t have ADD!   Here’s to a great school year!

Guest Contributor: Wendy Diem

Wendy is a stay at home mom living in Hershey, Pennsylvania, also know as the sweetest place on earth!  

She loves creating memory books and cards and would spend my whole day scrapbooking, but I do need to make time to take care of my family.  You know, those fun things like laundry, cleaning the house, etc.    

Back in March, 2012, she had the privilege of going to NYC as part of Martha Stewart’s Dreamers into Doers to attend some workshops and the live taping of her show.  She enjoyed meeting lots of wonderful entrepreneurial women.  What a great experience it was!

You can follow Wendy


  1. This homework planner is a great idea! My son had ADHD so I feel your pain when you talk about trying to figure out what the homework is when you aren't at the school and nothing's written down (or remembered). It's extremely frustrating. I wish I'd thought of or had something like this years ago. Thanks for sharing.

  2. So glad I could help Emily! It's been a long road, but we're learning :)

  3. This is such a cool idea. Thanks for sharing :)


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