This project. This project has been one of the BEST decisions I have ever made! The 30 days of creative INK challenge, has made it possible to involve all of you with me and I am having such a blast with this! I love that you all tune in every day over on Instagram to see what I will "ink" for the day and so many of you have offered the 'fan suggestions' and you all are bringing it with those! So many great ideas to ink and some of you will even be getting those suggestions back as a FREE digital print for suggesting it! I told ya it pays to play along. ;)
In case you missed my opening announcement about this last week, here is a re-cap of sorts:
- for 30 days, I will share my daily creative "ink" that I have hand lettered for the day via Instagram
- get involved by suggesting a phrase, word, song lyric, quote . . . anything you want, as a "fan suggestion" of something you would like to see me "ink"
- receive the print you suggested via email, if I choose your suggestion
- more than ONE winner will have their fan suggestions picked so anytime you see me post, feel free to offer a suggestion in the comments as I am writing them ALL down ;)
- the hashtag for this challenge is #30daysECcreativeINK
Here is what WEEK 1 of the#30daysECcreativeINK brought us . . .
Feel free to also leave a comment here on the blog with your suggestion too! I look forward to hearing your suggestions and giving you all some new creative "ink"!
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Then join me over on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter & Instagram so you never miss out on an exclusive deal or any behind the scenes photos!
Check out my designs, artwork & decor in my Etsy shop!
Looking forward to seeing you again! :)
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