
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

ART PRINTS :: Week 2 - 30 Day EC Creative INK Challenge

30 days of eye candy creative studio hand lettered ink project, pen and ink, hand lettering

YAY! We are already in week 2 of the challenge which means I am half way through this! I can not believe it as I am having such a blast with this and getting to chat with you all about the amazing suggestions you keep coming up with! The 30 days of creative INK challenge, has made it possible to interact with you daily and I could not be happier! I love that you all have joined me over on Instagram to see what I will "ink" for the day and if you haven't yet, feel free to join in now as I have plenty left to ink for all of you! 

Some of you have even qualified in receiving a FREE art print from me thanks to your 'fan suggestion' that I chose to ink for you all. In fact I believe I have chosen about THREE fans so far this past week and may be planning on a couple more very soon! ;)

Again, in case you missed my opening announcement about this last week, here is a re-cap of sorts:

- for 30 days, I will share my daily creative "ink" that I have hand lettered for the day via Instagram
- get involved by suggesting a phrase, word, song lyric, quote . . . anything you want, as a "fan suggestion" of something you would like to see me "ink" 
- receive the print you suggested via email, if I choose your suggestion
- more than ONE winner will have their fan suggestions picked so anytime you see me post, feel free to offer a suggestion in the comments as I am writing them ALL down ;)
- the hashtag for this challenge is #30daysECcreativeINK

Here is what WEEK 2 of the #30daysECcreativeINK brought us . . .

hand lettering, you've got this, enjoy, nighty night, art prints, inspirational
art print, shine your light and let the whole world see, inspirational, religious art print
art print, hand lettered, hey y'all, just embrace the crazy, I can & I will

Unfortunately last week, I was hit with a sickness that wiped me out for FOUR days but I still had my sense of humor . . .  as this is what I shared on day 2 of the sickness to make light of it . . . 

hand lettered, I got chills they're mutliplyin, pink sharpie, notebook

Just keepin' it real folks! ;)

If you missed WEEK 1 of the EC Creative INK Challenge, you can catch up here: 
Week 1 EC Creative INK Challenge

Feel free to also leave a comment here on the blog with your suggestion too! I look forward to hearing your suggestions and giving you all some new creative "ink"!

Are you loving the "eye candy" here?

Then join me over on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter & Instagram so you never miss out on an exclusive deal or any behind the scenes photos!

Check out my designs, artwork & decor in my Etsy shop

Looking forward to seeing you again! :)

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