
Monday, November 9, 2015

LIFE :: Taking a Moment for YOU

Today’s post is sponsored by ZonePerfect, but my love for their products is all my own!

fuel the soul, #FeelGooder, ZonePerfect, tips for taking time out for you

Hello there everyone! Do you ever feel like you are being pulled in a bazillion different directions and there is NO time left for YOU!? Well today I am hear to tell you that it needs to stop. And stop now. I used to be one of those people that ran at hundred miles an hour non-stop, thinking IF I could just keep going without taking a break for a moment, I'd get more done! Wrong! 

The only thing that got me was a lot of anxiety and worn out! That is . . . until I changed my ways! That's right, I finally realized that I am only as good as I treat MYself. I needed to treat myself better. I needed to recharge every once and awhile. I needed to give myself a break. I needed to take a moment.

So I started to take little moments every day to recharge and fuel my soul to ensure I do not get so burnt out and it is making so much difference. Sometimes I only take ten minutes and other days I take an hour but the point is, to TAKE the time! I set aside this time to do something for ME and that I enjoy doing and now I feel like it's my 'daily reward' for working so hard and I love it! I hope you are taking a moment for YOU too. If not, I hope you can use one of my TOP 5 ideas of what I do to take a moment for myself:

1. SHOP. I LOVE to shop so when I do, I tell myself that I have to be able to use it for business so I can justify spending the money! ;) Like these fresh flowers I picked up yesterday, aren't they gorgeous!? I love the rich plum color for fall so much and they will work out perfectly for a few shoots I have to do! 

I also picked up some new fun items for my home and the holidays that I am sure will make an appearance on the blog eventually. ;)

2. SNACK. So I have not really shared this with anyone yet as I wanted to make sure it would work, but lately, like say for the last month, I have been 'clean' eating and I am in LOVE! I feel so much better and losing a few pounds is pretty sweet too! ;) I am being VERY intentional about what I eat now and it is making all of the difference. I needed to do this for ME. I had put off taking care of myself for too long and I promised myself I would focus on being as healthy as I can and I am proud to say, I am (finally). Having said that, the key to MY success has been food prep and making sure I eat about six little meals and/or healthy snacks a day to keep my metabolism going. I am always looking for great on the go snack ideas to have when I am out running around shopping or doing errands and these work out great. So when I found these Perfectly Simple bars I was hooked as they are high in protein and low in calories, so it keeps me fuller longer and is an amazing snack idea!

taking a moment for you, healthy snacks, ZonePerfect bars, water

3. DRAW. If you follow me here on my blog, you could say I love to draw . . . whether it be doodling, hand lettering, an illustration, I love to DRAW. Period. So much in fact, that this is the FIRST thing I will do when I need to take a moment for myself as it relaxes me to no avail and does my soul good. Sometimes we just need to do what we love doing in order to relax and make sure we do something to 'fuel the soul' on a daily basis. I feel blessed every day that I actually get to do what I LOVE for my job. My soul is happy! ;)

draw when taking a moment for you, fuel the soul, hand lettering

4. READ. I love to read and do not have nearly enough time ever to read like I used to. So when I get a chance, I love to catch up on my fave magazines because there is nothing worse than having a subscription to your fave magazines, they come in the mail and then you have to see them sit, staring at you, because you have no time to read them. That is the worst. So I try to check them out when I am taking a moment for ME. Having these around the house is also great for clearing my head as it can get so focused on ONE work project and stepping away and getting lost in a magazine full of ideas is so relaxing to me plus it usually spawns new creative ideas!

I have this ritual . . .  to appeal to some of my senses . . . I light my fave candle to to make my nose happy, I listen to my favorite songs on my I-phone to make my ears happy, I grab my fave magazines to make my eyes happy and of course a healthy snack, like my new fave Perfectly Simple bars to make my belly happy. 

read while taking time out, magazines, light candle, listen to music

5. NAP. Ahhhh man, when I have like an hour to spare, this is THE one I do to recharge, especially if I didn't sleep well or if I am having a bad day . . . a little cat nap with a warm fuzzy blanket and a nice fluffy pillow out on the couch is the way to go! ;) 

ways to take time out for you, nap, cat nap, blanket & pillow, hello

I am loving this every day now . . .taking a moment for ME! I have enjoyed relaxing and just being less stressed. I feel like I am more productive and I know a lot of it has to do with eating better too. Having a great snack to grab has been key for me and I am so glad I have discovered these as they are my new fave. I love that these Perfectly Simple bars are high in protein, 200 calories or less, gluten-free, amazing wholesome ingredients that I can recognize and taste so good. I am loving the almond toffee crunch and the roasted cashew & dark chocolate as they make me #FeelGooder about what I put in my body!

Do you have a fave snack that makes you #FeelGooder? Have you ever tried these protein bars from Perfectly Simple? I would love for you to see how you like them by offering a coupon you can get for a $1.00 OFF ZonePerfect Perfectly Simple Bars and let me know what you think! 

Once you try them for yourself, I encourage you to share your #FeelGooder moment by tagging @ZonePerfect and using the hashtag #FeelGooder so we can see what you do for yourself!

Perfectly Simple bars, ZonePerfect, fave flavors, almond toffee, cashews
ZonePerfect, Perfectly Simple bars, almond toffee crunch, #FeelGooder

So tell me . . . do YOU take a moment for yourself, to fuel your soul? What do YOU do to make yourself #FeelGooder? Let me know below . . .


Thank you so much for letting me share this product with you and for supporting the brands and companies that help support my blog!  


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  1. I read, take a bath, soak in some bubbles and have a hot chocolate they tend to make me feel the most relaxed. I just love a good bath bomb.

  2. Meditation and yoga are usually the way I relax for myself. Though lately it's daydreaming about going back to Hawaii!

  3. Your drawing is so pretty! You are very talented! I love to shop, and snack time is always a must!

  4. I've heard of these bars, but I haven't tried them, yet. I will get them next time I go shopping.

  5. I wish I had time to nap and relax these days! Mostly, my taking time for myself is the 5 minutes before bed when I read, though I normally fall asleep within 30 seconds. I cannot get through a book anymore, haha.

    The Cuteness

  6. I do take moments for myself. As a mom of three I have to capitalize on any pockets of time for self-care. For instance, having my morning tea is like one of the simplest joys of my day :)

    I also like to take time for art journaling, reading, writing, and eating delicious cheeses and meats with wine!


  7. Love the drawing! I like to take a few minutes every morning and stretch and focus on my breathing.

  8. I've never tried these before, but I would like too!!

  9. It is SO important to take time to ourselves!!!! <3 That drawing is beautiful!

  10. I love naps lol (cute pillow btw), reading, and taking walks with my boys. Your photos are beautiful :)

  11. Those bars look delicious! I love snacking and drawing for some me time too.

  12. Me time is one of the best things you can do for yourself! It's so important to take that time to recharge.

  13. Your drawing is beautiful!

    Yes! Me, time is a MUST. I stay up late JUST to get some me time. If not, I start getting irritable!

  14. Oooo these bars sound tasty! I will have to pick some up on Thursday when I'm shopping!

  15. I love to read when I need to relax. Nothing like a good book.

  16. Those do look good. I might just grab some of those on Friday. Well, I shop too... too much. It always makes me feel better. But that could be the problem, too. Lol. Oh well.

  17. The bars look fab.I usually go to the gym for some time out x


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