So now that I have that song stuck in your head, you'll be singing it all day - trust me. (sorry ;)
has been a 'tradition' every year to sing this song the whole car ride
home, after picking up my daughter on the last day of school. She says
I'm crazy but I know she secretly LOVES it!
Here are a couple pics of the FIRST day of 5th grade and then her LAST . . .
Seriously? I need to protest to someone since I gave them a little girl at the beginning of this school year and they gave me back a young lady. (sigh) It's just not fair, anyone else dealing with this? It is so hard.
Trust me being a momma is the greatest honor in the whole world and I LOVE it but these HUGE life changes your kid goes through . . the milestones, they are great and sad all rolled into one and sometimes momma's just need another minute (or two) to let it all sink in. ;)
Knowing that this was the last year at this school before moving to a new school (middle school), we both promised each other to DO everything we could this year to be involved, go to everything they planned and to be PRESENT in this school year as it was the last elementary school year she would ever have. So that's exactly what I did. I volunteered for everything. Went to everything. And I know at times when they bring another paper home saying this or that is happening, we roll our eyes a little or maybe groan a little too loud BUT it only happens ONCE. This life of ours. This life of our children, we all have that in common - only ONE shot at this life - make the MOST of it. I am so grateful I did too as we have soooo many memories now to look back on. I don't have that mommy guilt that sometimes sets in when we feel like we are overextended. It feels great to have been present and I encourage YOU, if you are still reading, to make yourself that promise as well, regardless of WHAT age or grade your child is in. Be present. Take the time to do it all as they are only in 1st grade once . . . only graduate from 5th grade once . . . only have one high school graduation. Make it count. Everyday.
I am all about traditions! Starting new ones, keeping old ones but just doing them as that is what memories are made of! So like I said at the beginning of this post, I sing that song "Schools Out" the whole way home after picking her up on her last day EVERY year and probably will until she graduates high school, because ya know what? If I stopped doing it, she would probably ask why because we all know secretly our kids love these corny little traditions that we do as it makes memories for them and makes them smile when they look back on what they have experienced in life. =)
We also write out a summer bucket list so we have things planned out and can look forward to having some fun together as a family. Stay tuned with how I can help with that. ;)
We always go for ice cream after the first day of school AND on the last day as well. This year was no different but first, I had to think of something to make moving on from THIS school to middle school a lasting memory. I asked my fans, I asked family & friends and lots of people had great ideas but I ended up doing a car full of balloons. I attached them all to the door handles on the right side of the car (as that is the side she gets in on) and rolled the windows up until I got there. Once I was getting "close" to her in the pick-up line, I rolled down the windows and pushed them out and boy did it look festive! She loved it (along with me beeping my horn the whole time) and it's something she is telling everyone about. I'd say this momma scored again on memory making! ;)
I am happy to tell you that I will have a FREE download for you all within the day - a new "Summer Bucket List", so you can start making those memories this summer and stay on track! ;) Trust me - stay on track, make those memories because if you need more proof that just one short school year can change your kid a LOT, here ya go . . . {sigh} I took this photo on the left a few days before the start of the school year and the one on the right, just about a week ago.
Do YOU have any traditions that you do with your kids every year? Something to mark the end of school? I would love to hear what you all do as I love hearing about new ideas . . . .let me know below!
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I would love for you to connect with me by email or become a blog follower too! {on the right sidebar} Looking forward to seeing you again! :)
Georgia is just about to finish her first year of school so we don't have any end of year traditions yet, but this has really inspired me to think of some things before the end of the year in a few weeks. I love the photos! I took her first day of school photo and it's a great idea to take one at the end. Love it! Thanks for sharing. And yes, amazing and sad all rolled into one!
ReplyDeleteYes I agree it was amazing & sad all rolled into one but it's part of our babies growing up. =) I am so glad you enjoyed reading about our traditions and feel free to borrow all of them! lol I think the most important thing through all of this is to simply celebrate - the small & the big things!
DeleteI truly enjoyed reading about your traditions. That picture of your lovely daughter' first and last day in fifth grade is such a wonderful idea. You can really see how much she has grown and it's a little heartbreaking but it's also so awesome to witness. :) Keep up the great bond and you're truly an inspiring mother!
ReplyDeleteAHHHHH thanks so much for the sweet compliment, I try my best to be the best mother I can be since she is the only kid I have. I am so glad you enjoyed our traditions as it is so much fun coming up with things all of the time to celebrate these milestones ya know. ;)
DeleteOh my you made me cry...such love...being a mom is the best gift ever and you are living it all, wonderful for you that you know how God intended it to be...He is smiling and saying..."well done, good and faithful servant".